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  1. Compared to stipa bungeana grassland and fallow ground , the volume weight was smaller , total porosity and capillary porosity were higher , but non - capillary porosity was lower . 2 . achnatherum splendens height increased slow in the initial stages , fast from june to august and slow again after that
  2. And the major results and some new viewpoints were presented as follow : 1 ) sediment content of cn tillage system in runoff process is substantially low compared to st under rainfall with high intensity , showing cn bear the efficient capacity of control soil loss . nevertheless , when soil is saturated , the runoff intensity of both tillage systems is near , implicating cn has the limited function of reducing runoff . 2 ) based on the case analysis of observed all rainfall - runoff generation processes , a ) the initiation time hysteresis of surface runoff generation is notable when rainfall fall upon the unsaturated purple soils , which is attributed to the property of rapid water sorption and much non - capillary porosity
    经近几年的观测和理论分析,取得了以下结果和创新的认识: 1 )在降雨强度较大的情况下,保护性耕作制? ?聚土免耕的产沙强度明显较常规耕作制? ?顺坡耕作的小,说明聚土免耕耕作制防治土壤流失是有效的;但当土壤达到饱和后,聚土免耕的径流强度与常规耕作的差异较小,产沙强度也增大,因此,聚土免耕防治水土流失的能力是有限的。
  3. Based on the principle of significant effect of soil fertility factors on forest growth , soil physical factors ( natural water content , bulk density , total porosity , capillary porosity , aggregate degree , coarse silt and physical clay ) , chemical factors ( om . total n , alkali - hytrolyzable n , total p , humus and ha / fa ) and biological factors ( urease , acidphosphotase , invertase and microbes ) were selected as evaluation index system of soil fertility . applying principal component analysis , soil ifi of subalpine coniferous forest was calculated
    从土壤物理、化学、生物学三方面出发,建立了川西亚高山针叶林不同演替阶段土壤肥力评价指标体系,应用主成分分析,计算出不同演替阶段土壤肥力综合指标值( ifi ) ,各演替阶段大小顺序为: 10年生云杉林地迹地原始林地次生桦木林地30年生云杉林地20年生云杉林地50年生云杉林地60年生云杉林地40年生云杉林地。
  4. The fractal dimension of the mixed forests were lower than the pure forests and grassland , and the soil weight diameter of the mixed forests were higher than the pure forests and grassland , which indicated that the mixed forest had best soil structure property in stability infiltration and water - holding ; the soil total porosity and the soil noncapillary porosity were different greatly between forest types , but the soil capillary porosity had little differ
  5. Soil saturated capacity , capillary capacity , total porosity and capillary porosity showed the trend of the " u " during the successional course of artificial forest , namely , they reduced on the early successional stages , after picea reached mature forest , soil porosity recovered slowly . the content of natural water was mainly affected by capillary porosity . from soil chemical properties analysis , the content of soil organic , humus , ha , fa and ha / fa of topsoil was more than that of bottom layer


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  6. capillary potential 什么意思
  7. capillary potential energy 什么意思
  8. capillary potential gradient 什么意思
  9. capillary potentiality 什么意思
  10. capillary potentially 什么意思


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